Primary ( Cambridge / GES )


The first few years of primary education is a very important phase in the life of any young child. Children at this stage are vibrant, curious and very enthusiastic to learn new things. Our students are developed to be confident speakers, critical thinkers, attentive listeners, great leaders and team members. Learners here are from the ages of 5 to 11. They are coached to be responsible for their learning, be kind to others and, also ask for help when needed.

The Primary curriculum is broad and designed to allow pupils fulfill their potential which is grouped into Key Stages 1 and 2. It meets the requirements of both the British and Ghanaian National Curriculum, whilst also encompassing additional elements that we think are important to a good, all-rounded education that is relevant to our unique cultural context here in Ghana. Great emphasis is placed on English, Mathematics and Science with each child also studying Geography, History, Music, Art and Design, French, Computing, Physical Education and Global Perspective which tackles a variety of important issues.

Key Stage 1 (1st – 2nd Grades)

Cambridge Key stage 1 is where primary learners start their exciting educational journey. It is made up of year 1 and 2 which falls within the ages of 5 to 7 years. At this level, learners are provided with a strong foundation in 9 subjects namely: English, Mathematics, Science, French, Geography, History, Arts & Design, Music, Computing, Global Perspective and Physical Education.

Key Stage 2 (3rd – 6th Grades)

Students at this stage, are normally within the ages of 7 years to 11 years. At this level, teachers introduce students to advanced levels of skills in the following subject areas: English, Mathematics, Science, French, Geography, History, Arts & Design, Music, Computing, Global Perspective and Physical Education.

We also offer Checkpoint tests which have been designed to assess learners in Year 6.

In the 7th Grade, students have the option of continuing either the Cambridge stream or the BECE stream but not both.
